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Mar, 2024

2024 Pre-Season Meeting Updates

Lincoln Little League Meeting - 2/29/24

2024 LLL Registration/Season Dates

Registration Opened- 1/9/2024                                                                                    
Registration Closes Minor/Major/Junior SB and BB- 3/11/2024 
Evaluation/Draft Day Minor/Major/Junior SB and BB- 3/16/2024*LAB 11am-2pm
Registration Closes TBall and Machine Pitch SB and BB- 3/22/2024
Practices Start- 4/15/2024
Games Start- 4/29/2024 
Pictures- 5/11/2024 *iDEAL Photos
Games End- 6/14/2024

Division Schedules/Locations

TBall- Tuesday game, practice on Saturday
Machine/Coach Pitch- Monday/Wednesday games, practice on Saturday
Minor BB/SB- Tuesday/Thursday games, practice on Saturday
Major BB/SB- Monday/Wednesday games, practice on Saturday
Junior BB/SB- Game days depend on availability of other Junior teams in the District, practice on Saturday 

-TBall and Machine/Coach Pitch games will be on the Brick fields (behind Brick Elementary) unless there are open Cloverleaf fields (between the Lincoln Middle and High school)
-All home Minor, Major, and Junior games will be played on the Cloverleaf fields

Volunteer Information

-There are currently open LLL Board Member and Non-Board member positions. View a description of each position. This is a volunteer centered organization and it needs your help to make it a great experience for all of the players
-All Volunteers must complete a background check and a Safe Sport Abuse Awareness training course

Coaching Information

-All volunteers to be a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Manager must register in the LLL system. Volunteer option is on the left side of your account home screen
-All Coaches must complete a background check and a Safe Sport Abuse Awareness training course  


Baseball/Softball bat regulations per Little League rules
- Any player registered outside of their age division will not be allowed to pitch. 11 year olds in Minor, 13 year olds in Major, and 15 year olds in Junior
- The Little League Parent Code of Conduct will be sent out after registration closes. Anyone that violates it will be asked to leave the field complex and will be suspended from the following game. Repeat violations may cause a multiple game suspension, or the entire season
- Smoking and Vaping are not allowed at the Cloverleaf/Brick fields
- Dogs are not allowed at the Cloverleaf/Brick fields, unless they are a service animal
- No one is allowed to drive down the path back to the Cloverleaf fields, drive down the path behind field Cloverleaf #4, park behind Cloverleaf #3, and drive back to the Brick fields

Uniform Information

- All players will receive a jersey, hat, and pants. This is included in the registration fee
- Baseball jerseys will be MLB teams and Softball will be similar teams to last season (Storm, Thunder, Comets, Stars, and Lightning)
- If you chose the registration pay by check option a check will need to be received before your child will receive their uniform

General Information

-The fence in front of the third base dugout at Brick #1 has been replaced
-An Umpire training course will be offered closer to the start of the regular season games
-If you have any questions or issues please email [email protected]

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